on the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan
1. The National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is a symbol of the national sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan.
2. The National Flag represents a square banner with the three colored stripes on it: the upper stripe is red and is as wide as the lower green one. The stripe in the middle is white and is one and a half wider than the other two. Half way from the flag post, the white stripe represents a styled crown in gold and a semi-circle of seven stars above it. The proportion of the flag's width to its length is 1:2.
The crown and the stars are part of the square; the vertical sides of the square are 0.8 and the horizontal sides of it are 1.0 of the white stripe. The mullets are located in a circle with the diameter of 0.15 making a bend with a radius of 0.5 of the white strip width.
The crown as high as 0.55 of the white strip width, is bending down at its basement. Four bent like elements that form the upper part of the crown are domed in the center by part of the circle with the diameter of 0.2 of the white strip width.
Tuesday, 07 April 2020 09:52